
Merchandising Management

Do you want to know exactly
where every piece of the Merchandising System
is located in each agency, office or branch
and have it all under one Big Data?

I&RS detected the need to implement a specialized service in the transportation and installation of the Merchandising pieces in the different agencies or sales points.

The new inventory system has an easy and quick way for maintaining the information that is being constantly updated.  Through the blueprint of the agency, with the merchandising elements represented in their place with symbols, it’s possible that the system quantify these elements in an inventory sheet.  Likewise, it’s possible that the system take into account only the new elements or modifications through a route in a sheet with a similar format; this with a view to screening the information at the moment of making minor changes in the agencies.

In addition to that, there is a database that contains the entire profile of each agency in a technical file.  In that database are ordered the main characteristics of the agencies, such as façades, showcases, automatic cash machines, service elements, among others; this information is supported by its respective photographs.


Banesco propitiates the merger of 5 savings and loan institutions to create Caja Familia E.A.P. for which I&RS designed, developed and installed the Merchandising System in 74 agencies throughout the country.

Unibanca emerges from the merger of Caja Familia and Banco Unión.
I&RS was in charge of the application of the new corporate image, as well as of drawing up the plans, design, development and installation of the Merchandising System in more than 160 agencies, nationally.

Banesco merges with Unibanca and generates one of the largest financial networks of the country.  The new Banesco identity is taken on by the I&RS team. After the design and development of the graphic pieces, I&RS sets in motion all its logistics for installing the Merchandising System in more than 300 agencies throughout Venezuela.

I&RS has provided 450 Banesco offices coverage in the areas of:

  • Merchandising Design (fittings and graphics)
  • Installation and Updating
  • Inventory of Elements and Graphics
  • Drawing up of plans and Photographic Registry per agency


  • Merchandising Design
  • Inventory the existing Merchandising (Elements and associated Graphics)
  • Identification of Showcases and dimensions
  • Identification of available Spaces (Development new pieces)
  • Photographic Study
  • Registry of Each Agency



• Requirements and Information

  • List of agencies and their plans
  • Amount of Elements and Criteria regarding Location of Elements and Graphics

• Information Processing

  • General Coordination
  • Organization of the Agencies Route
  • Registry of Agency
  • Induction to the Team

• Gathering information

  • Visit to the Agencies
  • Verifying and Location of Merchandising
  • Registry of Agency in the plans and photographs


• Processing Information

  • Prepare Merchandising Plan per Agency
  • Prepare Inventory Chart per Agency

• Final Inventory Documentation

  • Merchandising Plant per Agency
  • Visual identification of Elements and associated Graphics
  • General Inventory Chart
  • Identification of Showcases and available Spaces
  • Recommendations

Agencia Costa Azul


Banesco ha mantenido una relación con Image & Retail Solutions de casi dos décadas durante las cuales ha consolidado su imagen de ser un banco innovador, cercano, amigable, humano y con la más avanzada tecnología para hacerle la vida a los clientes, más fácil.

El equipo de I&RS es el encargado de diseñar, desarrollar e instalar los elementos de Merchandising en sus más de 450 agencias a nivel nacional, así como para muchas de sus agencias en Panamá, República Dominicana, Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos.

Nuestro reto en esa oportunidad, era asumir la nueva imagen de las agencias Banesco 2012, para lo cual el prototipo ideal estaba en la apertura de la agencia Banesco Costa Azul.


Un ejemplo de los nuevos tiempos en diseño, cercanía e innovación tecnológica está representado en cada una de las propuestas de diseño desarrolladas por I&RS para el prototipo de la nueva agencia Banesco del Centro Comercial Parque Costa Azul, ubicado en la paradisíaca Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, en donde destaca la presencia humana acompañada del nuevo posicionamiento “Banesco Contigo”, en diseños y colores de gran atractivo que acompañan al color corporativo Banesco.

Tomando como base esta agencia se diseñó un completo Sistema de Merchandising integrado por elementos de pared, Dream Freeze, Freestanding, un Muro de doble altura que da la bienvenida e invita a los clientes, Vallas, Bastidores con grandes impresiones, Vitrinas internas, Rotulación interior, Impresión en Puerta Principal, Señalización General y Señalización Direccional.

Detalles del Proyecto y Número de Piezas

  • Sistema de Merchandising
  • Señalización
  • Posicionamiento